Charity Partner: Making Waves
Making Waves Foundation aims to improve the lives of young people with disabilities and those experiencing disadvantage through our sailing programs. The Foundation helps people meet life’s challenges with determination and resilience.

Making Waves Foundation aims to improve the lives of young people with disabilities and those experiencing disadvantage through our sailing programs. By developing confidence and team skills, the Foundation helps people meet life’s challenges with determination and resilience.
Primary Club of Australia has supported Making Waves programs for several years by providing funding to help upgrade the safety of yachts. Most recently, Primary Club paid for the replacement of stanchions around the perimeter of a new yacht for the Newcastle program. These make it safer for children to walk around the yacht using appropriately spaced rails at hand height. Netting has then been added to the stanchions to further improve safety.
In the past year, Making Waves has taken 2688 children on our programs. Through national expansion supported by the Primary Club of Australia, Making Waves will expand this capacity to around 5,000 participants on our programs each year.
Eight-five per cent of funds raised goes directly to the program, with only 15% attributed to administration costs.

“When he came back from sailing, I noticed that he was more confident in what he could do, he was stronger than he thought. He said to me, ‘Mum I’ll never be scared to do anything now’.”
— A parent

“Each time we attend a Winds of Joy sail, I am amazed at the way the students are able to overcome the challenges they face.”
— Yvonne White, Head Teacher, Special Ed, Dapto High