Read all about the successful fundraising events we have held and the charities that your wonderful donations contribute to.
At a glance
- Our Sydney Test Breakfast was held on 3 January and was a roaring success.
- Catch up on all the news on our 2023 Killara Golf Classic event.
- Find out more about the charities we serve.
Our latest First Ball newsletter
Welcome to the next instalment of our First Ball newsletter, which you can view by clicking the button below.
In this edition, we review our cricket festival held at North Sydney Oval, our Sydney Test Breakfast, and stories from SIX of our charity partners, thanks to grants from Primary Club.

A word from our President
"I’d like to remind ALL Members how important your personal support is in several aspects – financial, volunteering, and/or attending our events. When renewal notices come out in June, you will be invited to contribute to our charity trust via your ‘primary’ fines or donations. Some of you should also consider stepping up to ‘Golden Duck Donor’ status.
"There are currently 48 members in this category who annually donate $1,000 or more."
President Jim Maxwell AM